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Cannes 2022: Três brasileiros serão presidentes de júri


Na lista dos presidentes de júri divulgada pelo Cannes Lions nesta quinta-feira, 20, três brasileiros vão liderar categorias do festival. Luciana Haguiara, diretora executiva de Criação da Media.Monks, vai ser presidente de Digital Craft Lions. Patricia Corsi, chief marketing e digital officer da Bayer Consumer Health, foi escolhida para presidir a categoria de Health & Wellness, enquanto Marcel Marcondes, presidente global da Beyond Beer, da AB InBev, vai estar à frente do júri de Entertainment Lions for Sport.

Confira abaixo a lista completa dos nomes anunciados:


Brand Experience & Activation Lions Jury President 

Yasuharu Sasaki, Chief Creative Officer, Dentsu Inc., Japan

Creative B2B Lions Jury President

Paul Hirsch, President, Chief Creative Officer, Doremus, Global

Creative Business Transformation Lions Jury President 

Ronald Ng, Global Chief Creative Officer, MRM, Global

Creative Commerce Lions Jury President 

Beth Ann Kaminkow, Global CEO VMLY&R COMMERCE / CEO NY VMLY&R, Global

Creative Data Lions Jury President 

Alan Kelly, Chief Creative Officer, Rothco, part of Accenture Interactive, Ireland

Creative Effectiveness Lions Jury President 

Raja Rajamannar, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, Mastercard, Global

Creative Strategy Lions Jury President 

Chrissie Hanson, Global Chief Strategy Officer, OMD, Global

Design Lions Jury President 

Lisa Smith, Executive Creative Director, Jones Knowles Ritchie (JKR), USA

Digital Craft Lions Jury President 

Luciana Haguiara, Executive Creative Director, Media.Monks, Brazil

Direct Lions Jury President 

Fred Levron, Global Chief Creative Officer, Dentsu International, Global

Entertainment Lions Jury President 

Maria Garrido, Global CMO, Formerly Vivendi, France

Entertainment Lions for Music Jury President 

Amani Duncan, President, BBH, USA

Entertainment Lions for Sport Jury President 

Marcel Marcondes, Global President, Beyond Beer, AB InBev, Global

Film Craft Lions Jury President 

Patrick Milling-Smith, Co-Founder & Global CEO, SMUGGLER, USA

Film Lions Jury President 

David Lubars, Chief Creative Officer, BBDO Worldwide, Global

Glass: The Lion for Change Jury President 

Colleen DeCourcy, President, Wieden+Kennedy, Global

Health & Wellness Lions Jury President 

Patricia Corsi, Global Chief Marketing and Digital Officer, Bayer Consumer Health, Global

Industry Craft Lions Jury President 

Nils Leonard, Founder, Uncommon Creative Studio Ltd, Global

Innovation Lions Jury President

Cleve Gibbon, CTO, Wunderman Thompson, USA

Media Lions Jury President

Daryl Lee, Global CEO, IPG Mediabrands, Global

Mobile Lions Jury President 

Hugo Veiga, Global Chief Creative Officer, AKQA, Global

Outdoor Lions Jury President 

Eugene Cheong, Chief Creative Officer, DDB Asia, Singapore

Pharma Lions Jury President 

Brett O’Connor, Executive Creative Director, VCCP Health, UK

PR Lions Jury President 

Judy John, Global Chief Creative Officer, Edelman, Global

Print & Publishing Lions Jury President 

Natalie Lam, Chief Creative Officer, Publicis Groupe APAC & MEA, Hong Kong, SAR

Radio & Audio Lions Jury President 

Mariana O’Kelly, Global Executive Creative Director, Ogilvy, USA

Social & Influencer Lions Jury President 

Caitlin Ryan, VP, EMEA Creative Shop, Meta, EMEA

Sustainable Development Goals Lions Jury President 

Kimberlee Wells, CEO, TBWA\Melbourne & Adelaide, Australia

Titanium Lions Jury President 

Rob Reilly, Global Chief Creative Officer, WPP, Global



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