Cannes 2017: São 11 finalistas brasileiros em Mobile

O Brasil tem 11 finalistas em Mobile no Cannes Lions 2017. No ano passado, foram 10 finalistas na categoria. As peças repetidas foram inscritas em diversas sub-categorias.
The voice of art, IBM, Ogilvy
The voice of art, IBM, Ogilvy
Kiss the Kremelin, SSEX the BBOX, DM9DDB
Kiss the Kremelin, SSEX the BBOX, DM9DDB
Kiss the Kremelin, SSEX the BBOX, DM9DDB
Kiss the Kremelin, SSEX the BBOX, DM9DDB
The never-ending forest app, Faber Castell, David
Woman interrupted, Woman interrupted, BETC
The Image Test, Governo do Paraná, Master Roma Waiteman
Products of tomorrow, The Nature Conservancy, Africa
The never-ending forest app, Faber Castell, David