Brasil sobe duas posições no ranking anual WARC Creative 100

O WARC Creative 100, índice sucessor do Gunn Report, divulga a seu ranking anual que combina as listas dos vencedores dos festivais de publicidade mais importantes do mundo. Alguns destes são festivais globais e outros regionais. No ranking anunciado nesta segunda-feira, 25, o Brasil aparece em quarto lugar atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos, Reino Unidos e Austrália. Em 2018, o país ocupava a sexta posição.
Para o relatório de 2019, O WARC fez uma pesquisa entre criativos seniores em todo o mundo para determinar as mais importantes premiações. Além do feedback da indústria, os festivais incluídos nos rankings deste ano foram divulgados para fornecer transparência e imparcialidade. São eles:
Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Clio Awards, D&AD, London International Awards (LIA), The One Show.
Adfest, Dubai Lynx, El Ojo de Ibeoamérica, El Sol, Eurobest, Golden Drum, Loeries, Spikes Asia.
Entre as agências, o Brasil não aparece entre as 10 mais criativas. A agência brasileira mais bem colocada é a AlmapBBDO em 17º lugar, seguida da Grey (22º), Africa (30º) e Ogilvy (39º).
Abaixo, as listas dos Top 10:
Top 10 world’s most creatively awarded campaigns
Rank Campaign title Brand Agency Points
1 Palau Pledge Palau Legacy Project Host/Havas Sydney 250.3
2 #Bloodnormal Bodyform/Libresse AMV BBDO London 199.5
3 Project Revoice The ALS Association BWM Dentsu Sydney 189.5
4 Exclusive the Rainbow case study Skittles DDB Chicago 175.6
5 It’s a Tide Ad Tide Saatchi & Saatchi New York 154.8
6 Scary Clown Night Burger King LOLA MullenLowe Madrid 154.4
7 The Gene Project Marmite adam&eveDDB London 139.1
8 The Talk Procter & Gamble BBDO New York 133.1
9 No Conditions Apply – Sindoor Khela The Times of India FCB Ulka Mumbai 128.9
10 Go With The Fake /Diesel Publicis New York / Publicis Milan 125.9
Top 10 world’s best creative agencies
Rank Agency Location Points
1 BBDO New York 403.2
2 AMV BBDO London 295.9
3 adam&eveDDB London 291.0
4 LOLA MullenLowe Madrid 280.3
5 McCann New York 258.6
6 Host/Havas Sydney 204.9
7 McCann London 193.6
8 Colenso BBDO Auckland 190.9
9 BWM Dentsu Sydney 189.5
10 Saatchi & Saatchi New York 185.5
Top 10 world’s best creative agency networks
Rank Network Points
1 BBDO Worldwide 1700.5
2 DDB Worldwide 1028.7
3 McCann Worldgroup 1027.9
4 Ogilvy 991.0
5 TBWA Worldwide 590.8
6 MullenLowe Group 452.5
7 Dentsu Aegis Network 392.0
8 VMLY&R 365.5
9 FCB 337.2
10 Grey Group 336.0
Top 10 world’s best creative holding companies
Rank Holding company Points
1 Omnicom Group 3494.1
2 WPP 2206.1
3 Interpublic Group 2009.7
4 Publicis Groupe 832.9
5 Dentsu 468.6
6 Havas Group 314.4
7 Hakuhodo DY Group 214.9
8 Accenture 126.6
9 MDC Partners 83.5
10 BlueFocus 82.2
Top 10 world’s best creative brands
Rank Brand Product Category Points
1 Burger King Retail 391.6
2 Nike Clothing & Accessories 208.2
3 Pedigree Household & Domestic 200.1
4 Palau Legacy Project Non-profit, public sector & education 200.0
5 Bodyform/Libresse Toiletries & Cosmetics 199.5
6 IKEA Retail 198.7
7 The ALS Association Non-profit, public sector & education 189.5
8 Diesel Clothing & Accessories 177.7
9 Skittles Food 177.6
10 McDonald’s Retail 170.9
Top 10 world’s best creative advertisers
Rank Advertiser Location Points
1 Mars USA 478.2
2 Restaurant Brands International USA 391.6
3 Procter & Gamble USA 306.9
4 Nike USA 232.3
5 Samsung South Korea 218.4
6 Volkswagen Group Germany 218.2
7 Unilever Netherlands 213.0
8 Essity Sweden 204.0
9 Palau Legacy Project Australia 200.0
10 IKEA Sweden 198.7
Top 10 world’s most creative countries
Rank Country Points
1 USA 2988.6
2 United Kingdom 1241.8
3 Australia 971.7
4 Brazil 698.4
5 Spain 687.6
6 Germany 633.5
7 India 405.3
8 France 380.8
9 South Africa 336.9
10 Japan 320.1