Em Industry Craft, o Brasil emplacou no shortlist 10 campanhas e um total de 16 peças. Veja Abaixo:
110 Years of the Striding Man/ Crispin Porter+Bogusky/ Johnny Walker
110 Years of the Striding Man/ Crispin Porter+Bogusky/ Johnny Walker
110 Years of the Striding Man/ Crispin Porter+Bogusky/ Johnny Walker
The 9´58 Biography/ BETC/Havas/ Puma
The 9´58 Biography/ BETC/Havas/ Puma
Let´s Samba e Let´s Carnaval/ AlmapBBDO/ Havaianas
Pirarucu e Jiboia/ AlmapBBDO/ Havaianas
Let´s Summer/ AlmapBBDO/ Havaianas
Black Box/ J. Walter Thompson/ Faculdade Zumbi dos Palmares
The Pan, The Broom, The Pillow e The Heels/ J.Walter Thompson/ Avon